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The IPCC Climate Change Report: What does 2C warming mean?


Updated: Nov 9, 2020

It’s Time for Climate Action

The IPCC has released their climate change report today at a meeting with government officials in South Korea and is issuing the most extensive warning yet on the impacts of global warming. Years of research has found that continuing at this rate would lead to a 3C global warming. The IPCC Paris Agreement 2015 proposed a target of keeping global warming to 1.5C, however this is becoming increasingly unlikely with our continued dependence on fossil fuels.

The article by the BBC (see link) is clear: we need to act now. The impacts are immense and need to be prevented as soon as possible.

But what does a 2C warming mean?

  • 100% coral reefs will be wiped out

  • 10cm rise in sea-level and so increased risk of flooding, leading to a huge amount of environmental refugees

  • Extreme changes to the water cycle results in severe flooding and severe droughts

  • Rise in ocean temperatures and acidity.

  • Increased melting of the Arctic and a reduction in sea ice extent which changes the global ocean heat transfer network.

  • Removal of biodiversity and increased extinction events which impacts ecosystems and makes them more vulnerable to climate change pressures.

What Can You Do?

We are now depending on political leaders to start taking climate action seriously and implement policies and strategies to help us meet our targets. However, there is a huge amount that we as individuals can do!

Become a member of CAS to start raising awareness and become a influential force behind the action taken on climate by UCL and wider educational institutions! Click the link to buy your membership here.

Lifestyle change can make a huge difference! The Climate Action Society believes that climate action needs to be taken by everyone and that even small changes can make a large impact.

Here are some tips:

  1. Buy less meat and dairy and try to buy locally sourced, seasonal produce – maybe try a vegetarian/vegan diet! Keep watching the blog for a post full of veggie and vegan recipe ideas!

  2. Prevent food waste and only buy what you need.

  3. Try to walk and cycle more and for longer distances use public transport when possible.

  4. Use energy wisely – unplug electronics when not in use, put your washing machine on a colder, shorter wash cycle, avoid tumble dryers etc!

  5. Don’t buy into the fast fashion industry – 1.2 billion tonnes of carbon emissions are produced by the global fashion industry! Follow the link to read more: 

Tag @uclcas in your Instagram stories and show us what you’re doing to combat climate change!

See the full IPCC report here!



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