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Article: Two US economists win Nobel Prize for work on climate and growth


A must read article that congratulates two economists on finding a connection between climate change and economic growth, which supports CAS’ belief that climate change revolves around most aspects of our lives.

As mentioned previously in our welcome post, our revolutionising world requires energy in order to fuel areas such as progress in technology and growth of many businesses and companies.

Joint Nobel Prize winner and introducer to the “endogenous growth theory” Professor Paul Romer tells reporters “[sic] I think…many people think that protecting the environment will be so costly and so hard that they just want to ignore [this]” and discusses how growth can be sustained all whilst protecting the environment.

Meanwhile Professor William Nordhaus best known for DICE, Dynamic Integrated model of Climate and the Economy, model explores the viscous cycle that entails the economy’s need for energy, climate change and economic growth.

Find the article below.



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